May 3, 2020
Grandpa Was a Carpenter
Oh, grandpa wore his suit to dinner nearly every day No particular reason, he just dressed that way Brown necktie with a matching vest...

Aug 18, 2019
Worry less, Love more, and Live Freely.
"Worry less, Love more, and Live Freely." - Tom has brain cancer - he has 3 months, 3 years, or longer. His new motto, “Worry less, love...

Mar 17, 2019
Inside a Paragraph or Two
They say a poor man makes the paper only twice in the Deep South, unless he breaks the law or plays football. The newspapers record the...

Oct 27, 2018
A Word to the Wise
A word to the wise is sufficient – Benjamin Franklin. - On September 24, 2018, Time Magazine reported that 300 words have been added to...

Oct 14, 2018
The Matriarch
“What is that hillbilly **** Stinson put on the CD?” A former boss uttered these shameful words. I just looked at him and smiled. And,...

Jul 15, 2018
The Just in Case
“The relief man brought a turkey for Thanksgiving and Daddy shooed him off. Mama just sat in the kitchen and cried.” “Why’d he shoo him...

Jul 1, 2018
Wine Tasting vs. Beer Drinking
I couldn’t even count the number of times I’ve been standing around with some comedians and someone talks about some idea for a joke and...

Jun 18, 2018
The Annual Renovation of the World
There is, indeed, something inexpressibly pleasing in the annual renovation of the world, and the new display of the treasures of nature....

Apr 23, 2018
On Dreams
The new Hotshot at work in Grants, NM - “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” --Anais Nin. - On a Tuesday evening two...

Jan 15, 2018
Skiing in a Circle
- All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” - Winston...