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On Thesaurus

Mark Stinson

On mile 42 of C&O Canal - Monocacy Aqueduct - or channel, conduit, course, flume, or waterway.


I am still trying to figure out why there are Ws on M&Ms - Unknown


A wit once asked, “What is another word for thesaurus?”

Of course, the obvious response is, “How do you spell thesaurus?

Seeking answers, I consulted my two on-line pals Merriam and Webster at (“Since 1828” – don’t tell Al Gore). Note – it is interesting that Merriam still misspells his name (Mariam?) given he and Webster have been updating their dictionary since 1828 and have had 189 years to correct it…

Turns out Merriam and Webster have the word “Thesaurus” as a header on their homepage. The second question is answered:

Thesaurus is spelled T-H-E-S-A-U-R-U-S.

The spelling is easy to remember: Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, and thesaurus (Oh my!). Seems the word thesaurus has been around since the age of the dinosaur (plural = dinosaurus). Thesaurus was probably the master dinosaur, as in The-saurus – move over Tyrannosaurus-Rex.

Maybe another word for thesaurus is dinosaur? I consulted my bud’s (Merriam and Webster) thesaurus. A search in the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus for the word thesaurus revealed:

The word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.


Let’s pause and read that again - this is really, really funny!

Clicking soothsayer revealed Meriam & Webster' definition:

one who predicts future events or developments

Tomorrow I will consult a soothsayer to determine when a another word for thesaurus will be developed.

By the way – Merriam & Webster's Word of the Day is:

Haywire –

1: being out of order or having gone wrong

2: emotionally or mentally upset or out of control : crazy


How about you? What words, phrases, or definitions tickle your fancy or get your gander? Share a story!

(My apologies to George & Charles Merriam and Noah Webster.)


Taste the Food is published monthly on the 1st Sunday.


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