Your schooling may be over, but remember that your education still continues. -Unknown
In high school, your teachers are giants. They stand between you and the world, you and your parents, and you and your childhood. Because of this, some giants you love and some you hate.
This week, forty years after high school graduation, three high school buddies and I visited a giant. A giant we loved – a giant we greeted simply as “Coach.” Acting on a tip, we made a phone call and arranged an early afternoon “assembly” in the beautiful 3 season room at his home.
Why did we love Joe? He was our tennis coach and his coaching philosophy: “Grab a chair, keep my mouth shut, and let them play.” It worked. Imagine.
Coach’s mind is as sharp as ever. It took 20 minutes to catch-up on 40 years (family, profession, address). Coach, a history and psychology teacher, began his lesson:
"I always told my students, you never know how the alternative will turn out. At Gettysburg, a college professor from Maine [Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain], was told to hold a hill [Little Round Top]. The confederates kept trying to go around his flank, but they never did. We will never know what would have happened if he had not held the hill. The battle and the war could have ended differently – we will never know.
If you want to get married and have kids, marry someone that wants to get married and have kids. If you want to make a lot of money, get a job where you can make a lot of money.
Because, you never know how the alternative will turn out."
Thanks Coach.
How about you? It is back to school season - tell us about a teacher - past or present? Share a story!