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Left to His Own Devices

Mark Stinson

In our time, the technology of interruption has outpaced the technology of concentration.” David Coleman, President of the College Board


George is a kind man whose face contains a storage box of emotions. Until recently, he was even-keeled.

Religiously, George reads his Kindle (ebook reader) for ½ hour before bed. Tonight, he touches the center of the screen: “Page 5 of 274 – 6 minutes left in chapter.”

George is pensive, “Does it (the Kindle) know how fast I read? Or, does it know the average time it takes all Kindle readers?”

The microwave beeps again - popcorn is sitting neglected and it (the microwave) must remind George to retrieve his popped kernels. He pressed the “Popcorn” button an hour ago.

“How does it (the microwave) know when the popcorn is done – must be a sensor,” he muses.

Doubtful, he corrects himself, “No… Sometimes a few uncooked kernels remain, sometimes many. Popcorn is like a mutual fund, “past performance is not a guarantee of future results,” he reasons.

“Maybe it (the microwave popcorn button) is just a timer,” he concludes.

The cell phone rings, George is annoyed, “Hello?”

A female computer voice: “A friendly reminder - you have a dental appointment with Dr. Cuspid tomorrow at 4:00.”

Before he can put it (the cell phone) down, it pings. Disgusted, George peers at a text message: “A friendly reminder - you have a dental appointment with Dr. Cuspid tomorrow at 4:00.”

Then, it (the cell phone) dings – a new email.

Suddenly, George is startled when Alex Baldwin’s voice, via Alexa (a voice activated speaker), announces it is bedtime. George stares at her (Alexa).

Reluctantly, George lifts his watch: 28 minutes have passed.

Flabbergasted, George glares at the Kindle - “Page 5 of 274 – 6 minutes left in chapter.”

How about you? What interrupts you? Share a story!


Taste the Food is published monthly on the 1st Sunday.


Taste the Food

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Columbia, MD 21044

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