Vicksburg, Mississippi - The former used book store and former Ferris Food Store.
“What are you reading?” isn’t a simple question when asked with genuine curiosity; it’s really a way of asking, “Who are you now and who are you becoming?” - Will Schwalbe, Books on Living.
Will Schwalbe loves reading and he shares a few books that influenced him in Books for Living. Reading Books for Living took me back to my late high school years.
In a used book store (formerly Ferris Food Store) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, I came upon Joseph Heller’s satirical World War II novel, Catch-22. The purchase price… 35 cents. I had heard of the book and was amazed that I could buy it for 35 cents – I had 35 cents in my pocket!
Being of age ripe for satire, I devoured the book. Tears of laughter flowed as I read quips such as "The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him." and “He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.” But, is Catch-22 tragedy or farce? Yes!
Fiction doesn’t exist to change us for the better; but I believe it almost always does. Fiction opens us up.
In 15 days, we will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. What if MLK, Jr. had not read Gandhi? In 179 days, we celebrate the Fourth of July. What if Thomas Jefferson had not read John Locke? What if Mark Stinson had not read Catch-22…?
Speaking of Jefferson, during the War of 1812 the British burned the Library on Congress and 3,000 books were lost. In response, Jefferson sold his library of 6,487 books to the library with the intention to pay off his debts. Instead, he began to rebuild his library. He famously wrote John Adams, “I cannot live without books.”
Over the years, I have given favorite books to my sons. Now, they are young men and an wonderful thing has happened – they read them. Even more wonderful – we talk about them.
I used to say that the greatest gift you could ever give anyone is a book. But I don’t say that anymore because I no longer think it’s true. I now say that a book is the second greatest gift. I’ve come to believe that the greatest gift you can give people is to take the time to talk with them about a book you’ve shared. A book is a great gift; the gift of your interest and attention is even greater.
How about you? What if you had not read…? Share a story.
Blog Notes: Books for Living: Some Thoughts on Reading, Reflecting, and Embracing Life, by Will Schwalbe
Catch-22: 50th Anniversary Edition, by Joseph Heller
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