For me, being in a car or on an airplane is like being in limbo. It's this dead zone between two places. But to walk, you're some place that's already interesting. You're not just between places. Things are happening. - Wanderlust: A History of Walking, Rebecca Solnit
I figured out why hair is falling off my head rapider (new word!). Brain mass.
Being a person of my age, I am reading about brain aging. Seems persons of my age experience shrinkage of the frontal lobe and hippocampus. Yes they do.
Frontal lobe: I assume the frontal lobe is the part of the brain that lives in the front your head. Short for “frontal abode.”
Hippocampus – I think this is a typo, researchers meant elephant. It is said that elephants (not hippos) never forget a thing. Elephantcampus is where the elephant brain studies.
Anyway, these two places were holding hair on my head. Makes sense – I am losing head hair because my brain is is not there to hold it in place.
No need to worry! Hair is growing out my ears and nose more rapider. This must mean my sense of hearing and sense of smell are growing! If I could only get hair to grow out my eyes…
All of which brings us to Spring!
Spring is sprung
The grass is riz
I wonder where my hiking shoes is?
Spring is a magnificent time for your senses! Especially hearing and smelling. Especially in the COVID year. Vaccinated people my age are bursting out (their) doors. What to do? Where to go?
Walk, listen, and smell. Birds, just as anxious, burst the morning in a choir of song. Daily, new flowers burst forth like a child dumping a box of crayons on the table.
There is a tendency to gaze out the window at spring, to talk about spring, and yes, to read about spring. Do spring – listen to the birdsong, smell the gumbo of spring. Yes, stop and smell the roses - the forsythia and peonies too.
Like the weather, we don’t do anything about spring. Unlike the weather, we can.
Sharpen the senses!
How about you? What do you do in Spring? Share a Story!
Second Helping
Wanderlust: A History of Walking – Rebecca Solnit
Field Guide to Getting Lost – Rebecca Solnit
Haste away to meet the May
This is Earth's great holiday
- William Cox Bennett, English Poet (1820-1895)