“And the advice was ‘Walk more,’” says Beckham. “Walk more in the game. Because you see more. That’s what makes Leo great.”
Leo is Lionel Messi, Time Magazine’s Athlete of the Year. In the profile of soccer great Messi, soccer great David Beckham explains Messi’s greatness. Beckham asked a soccer academy student what advice Messi gave him. The student said, “walk more.”
There, in 2 words, is my New Year’s resolution – Walk More. A resolution for me and all mankind…
Walk more - because you see more. Figuratively and literally.
What does it mean to walk more? For Messi it means to see more of the field, to see more possibilities. For us mere humans, we can rework the quote:
Walk more in the game (of life) because you see more (in yourself and others). That’s what makes life great.
Abraham Lincoln said, “I’m a slow walker, but I never walk backward.”
Bertice Barry said “When you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny.”
Lincoln collided with destiny – and slowly – over 4 long years.
Walk with purpose towards the possibilities and not backwards to repeat the past.
Don’t you have time to walk more? Sure you do.
Put down the phone.
Let go of the mouse.
Get out of the chair.
Walk outside.
Walkers, hikers, runners, bicyclists, motorcyclists, and car enthusiasts all seek to walk more. We may not collide with destiny, but we hope to see possibilities.
The land of our true selves is truly reached by walking. – autonomously etched in the wall of an Appalachian Trail shelter.
How about you? How will you walk more? Share a story?
2nd Helping:
Speaking of Lincoln and walking backwards:
Who says oh oh oh?
Santa walking backwards.
Enjoy the season!